0700-0745 Registration/ Breakfast | NO CME
0745-0800 Welcome Comments and Introductions
George Rees, M.D., FACS
0800-0900 Pediatric Tips and Tricks/Case Presentations
Peter Antevy, M.D.
0900-1000 Managing Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Dorea Fowler, RN, BSN, CRRN, CCM
1000-1030 Break with Vendors | NO CME
1030-1130 When a Child Dies – A Primer for EMS Clinicians
Peter Antevy, M.D.
1130-1140 Organ, Tissue, and Eye Donor/Recipient Presentation
1140-1240 Lunch Provided | NO CME
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1240-1340 Care of the Behavioral Health Patient in the Emergency Department Setting
1340-1440 Disaster Comes to Town, Lessons Learned from Florida Disasters
Benjamin N Abo, D.O., EMT-P, FAWM
1440-1510 Dessert Break with Vendors | NO CME
1510-1610 Chest and Abdominal Trauma
Steven J. Schwartz, M.D.
1610-1710 Probing the Unknown: Unlocking the power of ultrasound in trauma care and prehospital settings
David Somers, M.D. M.S.
1710-1730 Evaluation Submission /Certificate Distribution
0700-0745 Registration/Continental Breakfast | NO CME
0745-0800 Welcome Comments and Introductions
Mark Stavros, M.D, FACEP, ASAM
0800-0900 Wilderness in the Water: Stories from Shark Week
Benjamin N Abo, D.O., EMT-P, FAWM
0900-1000 End of Life Care and Ethics
Steven J. Schwartz, M.D.
1000-1015 Break with Vendors | NO CME
1015-1115 Farm Accident Rescue Management
Ryan Jenkins, NREMT-P
1115-1215 Farm Related Crush Injuries and Electrocutions
Kim Landry, M.D., FACEP, FAEMS
1215 Evaluation Submission /Certificate Distribution